Paying Closer Attention To My Financial Statements

Paying Closer Attention To My Financial Statements

  • 4 Ways To Build Your Wealth Through Your 30s And 40s

    As you reach adulthood, it is time to start focusing on building your wealth. As you start making more money, you want to be putting more money away into savings and investments. Building your wealth requires a commitment to savings and investing. #1 Build Up a High-Interest Savings Account First, you are going to want to work to slowly build-up money in a high-interest savings account. This should be money that you only access in a financial emergency, such as your vehicle breaks down and you need to fix it, you have to take time off work to fly home to take care of a loved one, or you lose your job.

  • Starting To Plan For Retirement? 3 Steps To Help You Plan For Long-Term Care At The Same Time

    If you're starting to think about retirement, you should also start thinking about long-term care. While no one ever wants to think about long-term care, it can be disastrous to put it off. It only takes one significant illness or injury to make long-term care a necessity. If you haven't prepared for the inevitable, you could find yourself without the care you need. That's the last thing you want to have happen.

  • Three Types Of Insurance Products Nearly Every Individual Needs

    With so many insurance products, it can be difficult to know what products you need and which ones are unnecessary. Though the answer ultimately depends on your personal situation, check out a few insurance products it makes sense for practicallyevery individual to have. 1. Life Insurance You may believe that if you don't have children or a spouse , you don't need life insurance. However, take a few moments to consider what expenses you will leave after your death.

  • 4 Tips To Securing A Financial Future As A Couple

    Two of the major milestones that you will encounter in life are cohabitation with a significant other and marrying a significant other. You may be perfectly matched with your significant other in just about every aspect of life, but that doesn't mean that you will be when it comes to the financial side of things. More than likely, as you and your love were dating and getting to know each other, you didn't talk about your debt and how you spend your money.

  • 3 Variables When It Comes To Sports Team Valuations

    Most sports teams are privately held. That means that they are owned by a specific individual or company. When that entity decides to sell that team, it's important to make sure that the team has a proper valuation. That can be difficult to do. There are several things that go into that valuation, and it's not an exact science. Some of the variables can be somewhat fuzzy. So, what does go into valuing any sports team?

  • 2024© Paying Closer Attention To My Financial Statements
    About Me
    Paying Closer Attention To My Financial Statements

    When my card was declined at the grocery store a few months ago, I realized my financial situation had hit rock bottom. Instead of ignoring the problem, I decided to meet with a financial counselor to see what I could do to make things better. I talked with him about how to handle unplanned expenses and how to budget for my day-to-day life. It was incredible to learn more about money, and now I can proudly say I am living within my means. I decided to make this blog for anyone that struggles with financial planning so that you can turn things around.
